Say freeze!

Highly Commended: Thomas Vijayan - penguin ‘taking a photo’ in Antractica

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Winner: Gianpiero Ferrari - fieldfare in his garden in Leicestershire

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Under my wing

Runner up: Robert Gloeckner - Sandhill Crane and chick in Florida

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Nosey parker

Third: Kevin Rooney - oxpecker on the nose of a buffalo in Africa

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Fast food

Very Highly Commended: Peter Woods - barn owl and rodent in Norfolk

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Open wide!

Very Highly Commended: Brian Jones - swallows feeding in Australia

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Snack time

Highly Commended: Barbara Fleming - white-fronted bee-eater about to grab a dragonfly in Botswana

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Eye spy

Commended: Christy Grinton - great horned owl peeking out from a hole in the tree

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Fight or flight

Commended: Kath Aggis - Bonelli’s eagle squaring off with an Iberian fox

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Twoo's company

Commended: Christy Grinton - pair of great grey owlets

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King of cool

Judge’s Choice: Vince Burton - kingfisher in the frost in Norfolk

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