Air guitar roo

The annual Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is back once again bringing lighthearted photos of nature into the limelight. Every year, thousands of images are entered from from around the world into the competition. This year, the entries range from cigar-smoking foxes to swans taking selfies.

Here: Jason Moore captured this image of a Western Grey Kangaroo feeding in an open field filled with yellow flowers. ‘I suddenly noticed this individual adopt a humorous pose - to me it looks like he’s practicing strumming on his air guitar,’ he said.

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Credit: Jason Moore / Comedywildlife


A black-and-white ruffed lemur in this shot by Savvi Sergey in Madagascar cannot contain his emotions

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Credit: Sergey Savvi / Comedywildlife

Hang loose

A lion cub plays on an old tree stump in Masai Mara, Kenya, just before the sun sets

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Credit: Christian Hargasser / Comedywildlife

The happy turtle

In this Disney-esque shot, a swamp turtle makes friends with a dragonfly in Jezreel Valley, Israel

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Credit: Tzahi-Finkelstein / Comedywildlife


An Eastern Grey Kangaroo joey practices his leaping in Westerfolds Park, Melbourne, Australia

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Credit: Lara Mathews / Comedywildlife

One for the family album

Northern Gannets photographed in what looks like a family portrait in Yorkshire, UK. ‘How proud do they look with their chick between them,’ photographer Zoe Ashdown said

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Credit: Zoe Ashdown / Comedywildlife

Monday blahs

A Great Grey Owl appears to have the Monday blues in this shot from Grand Teton National Park, USA. ‘For a moment or two after doing some elegant stretching, he/she would slump and give a look of ‘is Monday over yet,’ the photographer said

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Credit: John Blumenkamp / Comedywildlife

The rainforest dandy

This picture was taken in the monkey forest in Ubud, Bali. ‘This is a crazy place where monkeys are king,’ Delphine Casimir said. ‘Sometimes they give a show, sometimes they climb on you to look for fleas or steal the piece of biscuit you are trying to eat’

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Credit: Delphine Casimir / Comedywildlife

What nice teeth you have

An African wild dog grins to the camera in the Lion Sands Game Reserve, South Africa. The species is endangered and is therefore being closely monitored by scientists. There may only be 1400 left in the wild

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Credit: Henry Keepin / Comedywildlife

Excuse me sir, but I think you're a little too young to be smoking

A grey fox appears to be smoking a cigar in Virginia, USA: ‘One day, while practicing their hunting skills on bits of moss and branches, one of the kits lunged at a small chunk of wood and started rolling around with his prize’

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Credit: Dakota Vaccaro / Comedywildlife

Part of your world

A rare batfish-scuba diver hybrid is spotted in Seychelles

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Credit: Danielle Goonan / Comedywildlife

Now that's a selfie

A swan stuns in an apparent selfie on Gdansk Brzezno Beach, Poland

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Credit: Jaroslaw Kolacz / Comedywildlife

Oh my, talk about poking your nose into someone else's business

An unusual configuration of giraffes at a waterhole in the Onguma Game Reserve in Namibia, Africa

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Credit: Bill Gozansky / Comedywildlife

Teddy buddies

Thomas Vijayan had to lie flat on the water to capture this picture of two grizzly bears playing in Katmai National Park, Alaska, USA: ‘These magnificent creatures remind us that even the mightiest can embrace playfulness and connection,’ he said

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Credit: Thomas Vijayan / Comedywildlife


Three King Penguins coming out of the water holding hands on the Falklands

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Credit: Dario Podesta / Comedywildlife


A white grouse disguises himself as a snowball in Spitzberg

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Credit: Jacques Poulard / Comedywildlife