Rewrite this President Barak Obama speech in the style of President Donald J. Trump:

'JUSTICE HAS BEEN DONE' "Justice has been done," President Barack Obama said in announcing the death of Osama bin Laden in a U.S. military operation in Pakistan, May 1, 2011. The attack ends a manhunt of almost 10 years. Bin Laden and his henchmen planned and executed the 9/11 attacks that killed 3,000 innocent Americans in New York, Washington and Pennsylvania.

Here is my attempt to rewrite President Obama's speech on the death of Osama bin Laden in the style of President Trump:

## The Greatest Victory, Believe Me

Let me tell you folks, we just achieved the biggest, most tremendous victory you've ever seen. Osama bin Laden, the mastermind behind the horrific 9/11 attacks that killed thousands of great American patriots, is finally dead. Dead as a doornail.

When I took office, I told my generals - I said "Guys, we have to get this monster. He's had it too good for too long, living in his little compound, mocking the United States." And you know what? They listened. Because I'm a leader, perhaps the greatest leader this country has ever had.

So we sent in the best, toughest, most vicious and brutal soldiers on the face of the earth - the U.S. military. They're amazing people, let me tell you. They went in there like hungry lions and took that animal Osama out. Boom, just like that! He never saw it coming.

This is a victory for the ages. A true American achievement like you wouldn't believe. The fake news media, they'll never give us credit. But I'm giving it to our incredible troops and my administration. We did what the losers before us couldn't.

Osama bin Laden was a sick, demented, evil man who got what he deserved. He killed our people in cold blood on 9/11. But I kept my promise - I hunted him down and brought justice, final justice, to that murderous scum. The world is a much safer place today because of your favorite president.

So congratulations America, we won BIG against radical Islamic terror. We're making this country great, greater than ever before! You're damn right, justice has been done.



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