The reviews of the Humane Ai Pin are in — oh boy, are they in. Called the first "major" new consumer device of the artificial intelligence era, the gadget its creators promise might one day replace smartphones, has received a less than warm welcome among tech reviewers.

The famously even-handed Joanna Stern of the Wall Street Journal concluded it was simply "not cool" because of its lack of functionality and the extreme heat thrown off by the device attached to your shirt. David Pierce at tech news site The Verge said it was "so totally broken in so many unacceptable ways." Marques Brownlee, a.k.a. MKBHD, the reviewer every PR team is desperate to impress, said it was — gulp — the "worst product I’ve ever reviewed."

What didn't help were the lofty expectations the Humane Ai Pin's creators had set. The husband-and-wife team of Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, both formerly of Apple Inc., announced themselves to the world in a New York Times feature portraying them as tech visionaries. Most readers saw something else: Yet another San Francisco start-up with more money than sense. The pitch was audacious: Replace the irreplaceable smartphone in your pocket with a small square-shaped device that you can ask questions, have it "look" at things and describe them, and make calls, among other things. The interface is a blend of voice interaction and a laser display that projects onto your palm. Neat!

Unfortunately, the harsh realities of hardware engineering soon arrived. Reviews showed the device taking as long as 10 seconds to answer questions — a lifetime, these days. In many instances, reviewers said, the software just got things flat-out wrong. Is that entirely Humane's fault? No. It's relying on large language models created by other companies. But these distinctions don't matter when trying to sell a device for $699 with a $24 monthly subscription. They certainly don't matter when you're invoking the perfectionist Apple in your marketing and telling people to ditch their smartphones.

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For those skeptical of the need for new AI-first gadgets, the saga has been an early confirmation of their views. The whole thing had me thinking about that great scene in HBO'sVeep when White House advisor Amyblows a gasket and warns that because President Selina Meyer "sucked" at being the first female president, it would mean no more female presidents. With $240 million raised for the Humane Ai Pin, only for it to "suck," there's a risk any future bright ideas in the AI wearable space might struggle to raise cash. Even before this, hardware was a hard sell to venture capitalists who were more comfortable in the lower-risk world of high-margin software companies. Now, each new device will have the sword of Humane's experience hanging over its head.

But Humane's flop shouldn't mean the end of experimentation in this new era of AI gadgets, or even a slowing down. Breaking free of the smartphone, or at least not relying on it for almost everything, is imperative if we're to find more connectedness with each other and if we're to make the most of the opportunities that sophisticated AI might bring.

For Humane specifically, I hope there's enough money to reverse of the setbacks and turn them into something valuable. Scaling the Ai Pin back as a phone accessory rather than a replacement seems like way forward. There's undoubted utility in a device that can (often) accurately recognize what is in front of it and offer detailed information. One day I can imagine shoe-store workers holding up a sneaker and asking, "Do we have these in a size 9 in the back?" and getting an answer, and so on. The translation function — speak in one language and it will quickly repeat what you say in another — seems one of the few functions where a quickly accessible chest-mounted device makes more sense than using a smartphone. It's certainly more "human," if that's the goal.

Humane should have been brave enough to acknowledge that the product wasn’t ready, and may not be for some time. No shame in that, but by coming out way too early Humane has scuppered the chances of ever achieving its ambitions — and may have made it harder for others as well.

As it stands, the Humane Ai Pin will go down as an arrogant attempt at changing the world when the more humble goal would have been to try to add an incremental improvement. That's the lesson I hope other entrepreneurs and investors heed — and not be swayed by this particular failed effort.
This column does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the editorial board or Bloomberg LP and its owners.
Dave Lee is Bloomberg Opinion's US technology columnist. He was previously a correspondent for the Financial Times and BBC News.