
Hat Tip Molly, Lyttelton, NZ

Hilarious….. I was brought up Roman Catholic…. kookie religious mother Marie.

When we lived in Paris, she used to go to mass at a Catholic church every single day. Then, her reward was a trip to one of her many favorite La Patisserie. She also developed the odd habit of attending funeral ceremonies for people who were complete strangers, whom she had never met. If the church or flash cathedral looked like they were going to put on a spectacular show, with wonderful music and singing, Marie would just waltz on in.

I got thrown out of nun school in the 3rd or 4th grade in the USA….insubordination and making fun of the sign of the cross during prayer.

Ironic that I went to Georgetown University graduate school… oldest Catholic university in the USA. Georgetown was founded by and is still run by the ultra-conservative Jesuits.